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For more than fifty years MASFAA has been a leader in promoting training, networking, and professional development in the financial aid world. Advocating for students and understanding financial aid rules is as important as ever. 

MASFAA membership provides you and your office important resources and networks, whether you come from an office of one or an office of eighty.  Membership in our organization benefits administrators from all institutional types and sizes by keeping abreast of updates to policies and procedures, as well as providing training in our constantly changing field of financial aid.

MASFAA provides opportunities to financial aid professionals from our nine member states. As a way to remember the states, just remember this: Three I’s, Three M’s, and a WOW! That’s Indiana, Iowa, Illinois (three I’s); Michigan, Missouri, and Minnesota (three M’s); and Wisconsin, Ohio, and West Virginia (WOW)!

One of the ways MASFAA supports newer administrators is offering training through our traditional Summer Institute program the first week of June. For more seasoned MASFAA members, during that same timeframe and location, MASFAA offers a Leadership Symposium designed to train them to become association and office leaders.

MASFAA keeps you connected to your colleagues and professional news through our social media channels (Facebook, Twitter, YouTube) as well as our website, MASFAA Moments newsletter, and MASFAA Matters webinars.  

The MASFAA annual conference is traditionally held in October and provides a variety of learning opportunities regarding regulatory compliance and best practices. The MASFAA annual conference is held at a major Midwest city, is usually within driving distance to all of the membership, and rivals a national conference in terms of the quality of the offerings.

Membership in MASFAA is more than paying dues; it is a yearlong opportunity and commitment to gain knowledge and a keen understanding of what makes us financial aid professionals—and we gain lifelong friends and colleagues along the way. This is our organization and it is successful because of our membership. MASFAA welcomes your involvement!

What is MASFAA?

The Midwest Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators (MASFAA) is a non-profit corporation of professionals from post-secondary institutions and other related agencies and organizations interested in promoting the effective administration of student financial aid in the states of Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Ohio, West Virginia, and Wisconsin.

  • Organized at Purdue University.
  • Founded in 1962 with 91 members representing 15 states. Membership dues in 1962 were $2.00.
  • Forty years later, at our annual conference, MASFAA boasts of a membership of just over 1,000.
  • MASFAA has changed outwardly over the years, but the basic mission remains the same.

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Our mission is to serve and promote the financial aid needs and interests of students and postsecondary institutions; provide regional leadership in advancing financial aid knowledge and capabilities of members; and offer engagement, professional development, and leadership opportunities for members.


MASFAA fosters a transformative experience for its members that honors diversity, inclusion and social justice. We recognize a common unity that anchors and enlivens our commitment to inclusion and creates brave spaces for dialogue to happen, through initiatives that promote professional development. We hold ourselves accountable to this intentional vision through fostering an integrated community, and recognizing that each member of our organization brings their own unique perspectives, strengths, and critical inquiries to serve our mission. We will continuously evaluate our commitment to diversity through conscious engagement within the communities we serve, and will promote a culture of diversity and inclusion by encouraging involvement and access regardless of race, ethnicity, gender, religion, age, sexual orientation, nationality, disability, appearance, professional level or institution type.


MASFAA is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.  

MASFAA, 1985 W. Henderson Rd PMB 69192, Columbus, OH, 43220    

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